Meet The International, Multiple-Award-Winning
Patti Larsen
If this is your first time visiting, I’m delighted you’re here. If we’re old friends, thanks for stopping by!
As a storyteller who hears character’s demands so loudly I have to write them down, I’m often lost in the worlds they drag me into. And while it looks like my whole life is writing, I do have other interests…
I’ve tackled everything from improv theater to film making and writing TV shows (check out the Lovely Witches Club), singing in an all girl band to running my own hair salon.
But always, always, writing books calls me home.
I’ve had my sights set on world literary domination for a while now. Which means getting my books out there, to you, my darling readers. It’s the coolest thing ever, this job of mine, being able to tell stories I love, only to see them all shiny and happy in your hands… thank you for reading.
As for the rest of it, I’m short (permanent), happy (did I mention best job ever?) and blonde (for ever and ever). I love to talk one-on-one about the deepest topics and can’t seem to stop seeing the big picture. I happily live on Prince Edward Island, Canada, home to Anne of Green Gables and the most beautiful red beaches in the world, with my pug overlord and overlady and three cats.
How Long Have You Been Writing?
I grew up in a family of readers, my father a huge science fiction and fantasy fan. When I turned twelve, I got my hands on my very first young adult novel, a Nancy Drew adventure. I read it rapidly, devoured it in a few short hours, my mind used to material far older and probably inappropriate for someone of my age and overactive imagination. The moment I was done, I told my parents I was going to write a book of my own. Of course! It seemed so simple…
My mother smiled but my father went out and bought me a typewriter.
Why Magic, Mayhem and Murder?
I can’t seem to stick to a single genre. The voices are just so diverse when it comes to where they come from and what kind of lives they live.
That means you might find me diving into sci-fi or exploring a fantasy landscape, chatting with witch detectives or nosy sleuths of the more contemporary variety.
I don’t get a say. And I don’t want one. I’m happy being fingers on the keyboard for the various and noisy folks who bossily queue up to have their stories told.
How Can You Write So Freaking Fast?
I often say I’ve been saving up for years, that the voices are so loud, the stories so clear it’s impossible to go slowly. But honestly, I have a system, one I teach, called Get Your Book Done. I use a very specific method I’m constantly tweaking, allowing me to get in clear touch with my creative side. The trick then is to slow down, not speed up.
Favorite Stuff?
Cats, pugs and horses (actually, most anything with fur and four feet), chocolate in all forms, coffee with cream and maple syrup (I always have my own supply with me so ask me about my pink flask if we ever get a chance to share a java), sitting in the sun, the color blue, really good books, kitchen dancing (or out on a Saturday night with my sister and bestie), butter chicken curry, self-love, hot baths on cold nights, swimming, talking over new ideas with old friends and golf.
Just kidding. I seriously hate golf.
What Do You Like To Do When You’re Not Writing?
Um, well. Think about writing. Talk about writing. Plot new books to write, read what others are writing… oh dear.